Steam vacuum multi stage ejectors - is there a need for software?
Is there a need for fully integrated software for multi stage steam vacuum ejectors? The ezejector program will enable you to do stage by...
CLICK HERE TO OPEN DIAGRAM Some ejector applications are shown in the diagram. Help us find the rest
Boost Production Using Ejectors
Use of ejectors provides a low cost option to boost production when well pressures decline late in field life. Pressure ratio boost of...
Efficiency Of Ejectors Part II
Below is a graph of efficiency losses for a typical ejector. The losses were calculated using Ezejector software based on fundamental...
Efficiency of Ejectors - why so low?
Centrifugal compressors are typically more that 80% efficient.But ejectors are much less efficient - see graph attached. So what's up?...
What is the Joule Thompson Effect and why it is not applicable to Ejectors?
The Joule Thompson Effect is the change is the temperature of a real gas when it undergoes isenthalpic expansion i.e. through a valve. No...
Subsonic Ejector
When would you want to use a subsonic ejector? - When the entrained gas does not need much compression. - When plenty of motive gas is...
Option Selection Program
See the link to option selection program designed to help with conceptual design. #OptionSelection
Flare gas recovery with high pressure gas - should I use one or two ejector stages?
If the ratio of discharge gas pressure to flare gas pressure is high, you should consider using a two stage ejector if the compression...
Will the steam ejector capacity increase if the steam pressure decreases
Potentially yes, applying the same logic as in the previous post. But the maximum achievable discharge pressure will decrease and could...